Job Postings

At our Presbytery of Southern New England Offices:

  • The Presbytery of Southern New England is seeking a part-time Communications Manager. Read the full job posting here and the job description here.Please submit a resume, three examples of media campaigns you have personally developed and executed and a thoughtful cover letter to the Search Committee Chair ( by July 20, 2024 for a start date of August 15, 2024 to allow for a two week transition with our outgoing Communications Manager


In our Presbytery:

  • Greenwood Community Church, Presbyterian is seeking a full-time Bridge Pastor. Read about the church and this position by clicking here. For more information, please contact Dennis Charpentier at Please apply by June 21.
  • First Presbyterian Church of Stamford (aka FPC or The Fish Church) is seeking a full-time Transitional Pastor. Read about the church and this position by clicking here. Applicants should email by May 25th.
  • First Presbyterian Church of Stamford (aka FPC or The Fish Church) is seeking a full-time Bridge Pastor. Read about the church and this position by clicking here.  Applicants should email by May 25th.


Around our Presbytery:

  • Lamington Presbyterian Church, NJ is seeking a Solo Designated Pastor. Read about the church and this position by clicking here.
  • First Congregational Church of East Longmeadow is seeking a settled half-time pastor. Read about the church and this position by clicking here.​
  • Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church, NJ is seeking an Interim/Transitional Part-Time Pastor. Read about the church and this position by clicking here.
  • Presbyterian Church of Barre, Vermont is seeking a full-time Installed Pastor(s). Read about the church and this position by clicking here for the CLC and clicking here for the job description.
  • First Presbyterian Church of Philipstown, NY is seeking a part-time Stated Supply Pastor. Read about the church and this position by clicking here for the church profile and here for the job description.

  • Stillwater United Church (Presbyterian U.S.A.) is seeking a 3/4-time Pastor. Read about the church and this position by clicking here.
  • Presbyterian Church of Barnet, Vermont is seeking a full-time Stated Supply Pastor. Read about the church and this position by clicking here.


From PC(USA):

  • The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has several openings for which they are seeking qualified candidates looking for a call working at the national level. More information available HERE.


All MIFs (Ministry Information Forms) are posted online at the Church Leadership Connection website.

Contact Us

Presbytery of Southern New England
2080 Boulevard, West Hartford, CT 06107

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